Image of the Gilbert Scott Building Tower, with the Glasgow skyline in the background
Martin Hendry
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Martin Hendry

Clerk of Senate

​Martin Hendry is responsible for the governance of academic policy and practice, as well as for academic standards, across the University.  The Clerk of Senate also oversees student conduct and academic ceremonies, most notably the Graduation ceremonies held each June/July and November/December.

Martin is also Professor of Gravitational Astrophysics and Cosmology in the School of Physics and Astronomy, where he was Head of School 2012-2020. He is a senior member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, which in 2015 made the first ever detection of gravitational waves – a discovery that was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics. Martin is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Institute of Physics. In 2015 he was awarded the MBE for services to the public understanding of science.