Image of the Gilbert Scott Building Tower, with the Glasgow skyline in the background
Professor Frank Coton
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Professor Coton

Senior Vice Principal and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)

​Frank Coton is also Professor of Low Speed Aerodynamics.  He leads on University-level resource planning and, together with the Executive Director of Human Resources, leads the introduction of processes and policies associated with academic career development and the academic aspects of organisational development.  He also has responsibility for oversight and leadership of the development, implementation and governance of the University strategy in relation to IT and digital technologies. 

Between 2010 and early 2019, Frank had responsibility for the development of educational policy and strategy and all teaching quality processes across the University.  Prior to this, until December 2009, he was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.  During his time at Glasgow he has led a number of major infrastructure projects including installation of the Combined Heat and Power system, the Telephony system and the development of the James McCune-Smith Learning Hub. 

A former Chair of the UK Russell Group Committee of Pro-Vice Chancellors for Learning and Teaching, Frank’s academic background is in Aerospace Engineering and, in particular, aerodynamics. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and a former Chair of the AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Committee.  He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.